Immigration Services
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesPlease CALL 209.744.7702 to schedule an Appointment
Sacramento Covered
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesEDD Representative
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesPlease CALL 209.744.7702 to make an Appointment
Labor Max Staffing
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesLabor Max Staffing at CHD Galt AJCC
Work Keys Information Session
America’s Job Center of California - Florin 3801 Florin Rd, Ste. 107, Sacramento, CA, United StatesBalance Staffing Hiring Event
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesBalance Staffing at CHD Galt AJCC - Job Center CLOSES at 1:00 p.m.
Franklin AJCC Closes at 12:00 pm
America’s Job Center of California - Florin 3801 Florin Rd, Ste. 107, Sacramento, CA, United StatesJob Center Orientation
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesCHD Galt AJCC Job Center Orientation
Job Retention Information Session
America’s Job Center of California - Florin 3801 Florin Rd, Ste. 107, Sacramento, CA, United StatesFranklin AJCC Job Retention Information Session
RANDSTAD Hiring Event
America’s Job Center of California - Florin 3801 Florin Rd, Ste. 107, Sacramento, CA, United StatesFranklin AJCC beginning at 10:00 a.m.
DHA Job Talk
America’s Job Center of California - Florin 3801 Florin Rd, Ste. 107, Sacramento, CA, United StatesDHA Job Talk at Franklin AJCC
March to Health at Flea Market
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesLodi Adult School
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesPresentation by Lodi Adult School
CalJOBS Assessments / Job Search Information Session
America’s Job Center of California - Florin 3801 Florin Rd, Ste. 107, Sacramento, CA, United StatesResume & Interview Skills Workshop
America’s Job Center of California - Galt 1000 “C” Street, Suite 100, Galt, CA, United StatesPlease CALL 209.744.7702 to sign up
Mather Community Campus
Mather Job Center is currently ASSISTING ALL CUSTOMERS REMOTELY (916-876-4022, Mon-Thurs 8:30am to 4pm; Friday, 8:30am to Noon). Services provided by phone and email include, but are not limited to: CalJobs registration questions, password resets, personal profile updates, resume critique, assessments, employment plan development, online learning instruction (through Metrix, Allison, etc.), and vocational training referrals.
Virtual Job Search, Mark Sanders, 10A
America’s Job Center of California - Mark Sanders 2901 50th Street, Sacramento, CA, United StatesVIRTUAL JOB SEARCH WORKSHOP, Every Tuesday, 10am-11am; to register - - RIGHT CLICK HERE - Mark Sanders AJCC is open Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm for walk-in customers. Appointments are available for free typing tests (916-227-0301), or American Sign Language assistance.
Lao Family Community
HIRING EVENT with FedEx at NORTH location, from 10am to 1pm (3400 Watt Ave., #204, Sacramento 95821, phone: 916-359-2788) :: Lao Family Community Development has two locations that open for Walk-In hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm; and, for Job Center Orientations (Tuesdays only, both locations), from 10am to Noon. SOUTH 7171 […]
Folsom Cordova AJCC
America’s Job Center of California - Folsom Cordova 10826 Gadsten Way, Rancho Cordova, CAJOB SEARCH IN THE U.S. WORKSHOP, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. - - Folsom Cordova Community Partnership AJCC offers - job center orientation, free workshops, CalJobs Registration, online job search, application assistance, and community resource information. Folsom Cordova's hours are: Mon & Wed, 9am to 4:30pm; Tue & Thurs, 9am to 6:30 p.m., and Fri 9am […]
Resume Info Session, Lao Family 10A
RESUME INFO SESSION, 10am to Noon, at both locations of Lao Family Community, NORTH 3400 Watt Ave., #204, Sacramento 95821 (916-359-2788); SOUTH 7171 Bowling Drive, Suite 1120, Sacramento 95823 (916-393-7501) :: Lao Family Community Development has two locations that open for Walk-In hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm; and, for Job Center […]
Lao Family Community
BUDGETING WORKSHOP (via ZOOM at 7pm - Meeting ID: 983 6723 4864, Passcode: 834329, One tap mobile +16699006833). PLEASE click your cursor on the link below, and select the ZOOM locator.
Mather Community Campus
America’s Job Center of California - Mather Community Campus 10638 Schirra Ave., Mather, CAMather Job Center is currently ASSISTING ALL CUSTOMERS REMOTELY (916-876-4022, Mon-Thurs 8:30am to 4pm; Friday, 8:30am to Noon). Services provided by phone and email include, but are not limited to: CalJOBS registration questions, password resets, personal profile updates, resume critique, assessments, employment plan development, online learning instruction (through Metrix, Allison, etc.), and vocational training referrals.
Job Centers and Youth Service Providers CLOSED Labor Day
SETA Sacramento Works :: Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Job Centers and Youth Service Providers CLOSED to observe Labor Day
Folsom Cordova AJCC
America’s Job Center of California - Folsom Cordova 10826 Gadsten Way, Rancho Cordova, CA1) EMPLOYEE RIGHTS IN THE WORKPLACE, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 2) WIOA TRAINING ORIENTATION, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. - - Folsom Cordova Community Partnership AJCC offers - job center orientation, free workshops, CalJobs Registration, online job search, application assistance, and community resource information. Folsom Cordova's hours are: Mon & Wed, 9am to 4:30pm; Tue […]
Financial Literacy, Lao Family 10A
FINANCIAL LITERACY WORKSHOP, 10am to Noon :: Lao Family Community Development has two locations that open for Walk-In hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm; and, for Job Center Orientations (Tuesdays only, both locations), from 10am to Noon. NORTH 3400 Watt Ave., #204, Sacramento 95821 (916-359-2788); SOUTH 7171 Bowling Drive, Suite 1120, Sacramento […]
VIRTUAL Resume Writing Workshop, 9A
Join CalJobs for a virtual RESUME WRITING WORKSHOP (via ZOOM on Thursday, September 10, 2020, 9am-10am. REGISTER in - contact is - RIGHT CLICK ON LINKS
Crossroads AJCC
America’s Job Center of California - Pride Industries 7011 Sylvan Rd, Suite A, Citrus Heights, CA, United StatesCrossroads Job Center is currently ASSISTING ALL CUSTOMERS REMOTELY (916-676-2540) Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Services provided by phone and email include, but are not limited to: CalJOBS registration questions, password resets, personal profile updates, resume critique, assessments, employment plan development, online learning instruction (through Metrix, Allison, etc.), and vocational training referrals. Social Security benefits counseling, […]
Asian Resources, Inc. AJCC
America’s Job Center of California - Asian Resources 6270 Elder Creek Road, Sacramento, CA, United StatesAsian Resources, Inc. AJCC offers Job Center Orientation, Online Job Search, Resume & Interview Skills Workshops, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. FREE TAX PREPARATION, Thursdays only, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
HIRING EVENT, Lao Family North, 10A
HIRING EVENT for Warehouse Workers; and, Mechanics/Technicians at NORTH location, from 10am to 1pm (3400 Watt Ave., #204, Sacramento 95821, phone: 916-359-2788) :: Lao Family Community Development has two locations that open for Walk-In hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm; and, for Job Center Orientations (Tuesdays only, both locations), from 10am to […]
Interview Skills, 1P Folsom Cordova
INTERVIEW SKILLS WORKSHOP, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. - - Folsom Cordova Community Partnership AJCC offers - job center orientation, free workshops, CalJobs Registration, online job search, application assistance, and community resource information. Folsom Cordova's hours are: Mon & Wed, 9am to 4:30pm; Tue & Thurs, 9am to 6:30 p.m., and Fri 9am to 12:00 p.m.
Folsom Cordova AJCC
RESUME BUILDING WORKSHOP, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. - - Folsom Cordova Community Partnership AJCC offers - job center orientation, free workshops, CalJobs Registration, online job search, application assistance, and community resource information. Folsom Cordova's hours are: Mon & Wed, 9am to 4:30pm; Tue & Thurs, 9am to 6:30 p.m., and Fri 9am to 12:00 p.m.
Elk Grove / South County AJCC
America’s Job Center of California - South County 8401-A Gerber Road, Sacramento, CA, United StatesElk Grove/South County Job Center offers in-person appointments (916-793-2323), Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., for Client Services such as support and income assistance (food card, gas card, SMUD assistance); free typing tests; and, access to computers for online job searches.