Sacramento Co. DHA Virtual Job Talk
Sacramento County Dept. of Human Assistance (DHA) hosts a VIRTUAL Job Talk on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 1:30-2:30PM. To join in these Virtual Job Talks and connect with employers for job opportunities, customers can Register by emailing their name, phone number, and email address to: CalWORKS customers/jobseekers wanted! Please read this DHA flyer for further details, and instructions on how to REGISTER – Virtual Job Talk Flyer – 1 – Pre-registration CUSTOMER Once Registered, you will receive a Skype invitation and confirmation by email. Also, this additional flyer contains info on the job talks – Virtual Job Talk flyer-Public Sept 2021.
FCCP Virtual WIOA Orientation
Sacramento Works Folsom Cordova AJCC presents virtual WIOA Orientations twice in June 2022. Please join the Zoom meeting on these days –
Tuesday, 06/07/2022 at 2pm – – LINK:
Tuesday, 06/21/2022 at 2pm – – LINK:
Individuals interested in possible training scholarship opportunities must attend this workshop which is an introduction to the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the services available to you. This WIOA Title I financially-assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program.
Earlier Today
VIRTUAL Job Center Orientation
Interested in a job or career? You are invited to attend the Sacramento Works Job Centers’ VIRTUAL Orientation every Tuesday from 9 to 10AM. Learn about AJCC Employment & Training services; topics include – Workforce Preparation & Training, Coaching & Career Planning, Information Sessions & Workshops, Virtual & In-Person Services. Please read this flyer for more information and the ZOOM link Flyer – Virtual Orientation. To REGISTER, or for technical assistance and/or questions, please contact: Tammy Banghart (916) 563-5151. Join in via ZOOM, HERE – Meeting ID: 848 4717 2877, Password: 275484
Earlier Today
America’s Job Center of California - La Familia 5523 34th Street, Sacramento, CA, United StatesLa Familia Resume and Interview Workshops
La Familia Counseling AJCC is hosting Resume and Interview Workshops every Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm to 2pm at 5523 34th St., Sacramento 95820. This job-search training is in support of our customers seeking employment. For more information, please call (916) 452-3601.
Earlier Today
Fruitridge AJCC/Pro Youth 4625 44th Street, Room 4, Sacramento, CA, United StatesPRO Youth In-Person Career Boost
The Fruitridge Job Center is hosting Career Boost (a series of workshops to promote job skills, job placement, and job promotion) every Tuesday from 11:00AM – Noon. There are jobs available in the Sacramento region, and we want to connect people with successful employment. The workshops are currently in-person at our Fruitridge Job Center (4625 44th St., Room 4, Sacramento 95820). Please call to Register at 916-496-7764 and read this flyer for more information Career Boost Updated Flyer (002). You must have a account.
Earlier Today
America’s Job Center of California - Mark Sanders 2901 50th Street, Sacramento, CA, United StatesMark Sanders/EDD On-Site Job Fair
Mark Sanders AJCC and CA EDD are hosting an on-site Back to Work Job Fair on Tuesday, June 16, 2022 from 9AM-1PM at 2901 50th St., Sacramento 95817. Participating industries include State Agencies, Healthcare, Production, Warehouse and Retail. Please read this flyer Job Fair Jun 21, 2022 for further details, and Registration instructions ( Contact (916) 227-0301 with your questions, or follow this link,
Virtual Job Interview Skills Workshop
Sacramento Works Folsom Cordova AJCC presents a Virtual Job Interview Workshop on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 from 10-11AM. The workshop will take jobseekers through the different types of interviews, how to represent well, common questions asked, and sample answers. Please join the workshop at this Zoom link
SacRT In-Person Hiring Event!
Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) is hosting an in-person Hiring Event on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 from 10AM to 3PM. SacRT is offering free rides on fixed-route bus lines and light rail to the events. The hiring event will be held at the SacRT Auditorium, 1400 29th St., Sacramento 95816. To review further details on the SacRT website – job descriptions, job requirements, job training, job application, job benefits, print free ride to event – CLICK HERE or call 916-321-BUSS (2877) for more information. Free ride to RT valid Wednesday, June 22, 2022 between 8AM and 6PM.