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Little Caesars

Like many supervisors, Jenny Immormino always keeps an eye out for dependable, enthusiastic employees. As Supervisor for two Little Caesars franchises in the Sacramento area, Jenny often needs new talent to fill vacancies. She recently worked with SETA/Sacramento Works to find a great hiring match through the STEPS program.

Sacramento Works gets to play hiring “matchmaker” by training and placing local youth with participating businesses thanks to the STEPS program. STEPS provides employment readiness workshops and paid internship placements to students ages 16-21 who have a disability.

Jenny was able to find and hire a reliable, trainable full-time employee through this program. The employee started as an intern paid by SETA/Sacramento Works. After a training period, she was determined to be a good fit and hired permanently.

Jenny says hiring through STEPS brought a candidate who was better trained and more eager than most people she could have hired from walk-ins. This method has proved quite successful for her. Jenny also appreciates Sacramento Works’ wage reimbursement during the training period.

Jenny says she would definitely participate in the process again. She looks forward to hiring more reliable, positive employees through STEPS.

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We’ve had a lot of luck with youngsters who come in through a program like this. They seem more eager to work.